We know Our Facebook Account is associated with an email address like Gmail,Yahoo ,Hotmail etc.Most of us have associated it with our personal email account which we use for communications with our friends,Clients or sometimes even for office work.If you are tagged by someone in a photo or somebody comments on status you receive a notification from facebook in your email id.
If you are tagged by many people and receive lot of comments your Inbox becomes a mess.By using this trick you can easily customize your privacy settings and stop unnecessary email notifications
How to Disable Facebook Notifications via Email
etc.Most of us have associated it with our personal email account which we use for communications with our friends,Clients or sometimes even for office work.If you are tagged by someone in a photo or somebody comments on status you recive a notification from facebook in your email id.If you are tagged by many people and recive lot of comments your Inbox becomes a mess.By using this trick you can easily customize your privacy settings and stop unneccesary email notifications
..:: How to Disable Facebook Notification via Email ::..
1. Login to your Facebook Account.
2. Click on the Account and Select Account Settings.{see below}
4. Scroll Down the page till you find All Notification area and in this find Facebook then click on the Edit button.{ see below }

5. Unmark all the boxes and click on save changes button to stop Email Notifications.{see below}

You can also stop notifications for a specific application like unmark the box Sends You a Message then you won’t get the notification when you receive a message on facebook but you will continue to receive notifications for all other actions. You can alsocheck mark the box later if you want the Email Notifications Back.
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